

 In the first 24 years of my life, I have been through a lot but I have never allowed those challenges to be an excuse to make me want to quit. Whenever I feel like the force is too strong and I am unsure what to do, I try to see beyond my struggles and believe that I can do anything I set my mind to do just like every living soul should. I've experienced anxiety from academics, trying too hard to make things perfect, and confusion from the subjects that are not only my best but my worst. As well as from a variety of situations which I will explain consistently throughout this narrative. I have also gone through rough and painful times, but I'm still standing tall and that's good enough for me. Two facts about me are that I am a go-getter and a hard worker. If I am unsuccessful the first time with an activity, I will keep trying repeatedly until I get it right! An example of a situation from my life that has caused me anxiety, confusion, and pain is when I had brain surgery

Going to school in the Life of a Warrior

 I'm back! Still here thriving 💓 Do you want to want to know a secret?  I never stop being on the    M.O.V.E 😉                           What was school like for me?    * I would get HEADACHES constantly.    * At times, I would be ACADEMICALLY failing   but due to my hard work, determination, and amazing teachers, I am where I am meant to be       *4th-12th grade at PEPIN ACADEMIES After having 23 brain surgeries and 2 strokes all before I was 6, and a 24th surgery as an addition in 2021I'd say for myself not only are me and GOD a team, but I am UNSTOPPABLE! School was difficult because I would get frequent headaches. Due to all of my surgeries, I did not think as quickly. At times I'd feel extremely frustrated because I didn't work as fast as the others. I was blessed to have the absolute best teachers in the world and to be fortunate enough to have gone to the school that I had. My teachers understood me and never gave up on me. Due to my determination and frustrat

Life of a warrior

What Struggles have given me incredible strength?           It's day 10 of month 5 of the year 2023.       I was born May the 1st of year 99. I had some medical issues that evolved, which then terrified everyone for my life. I had too much fluid trapped in my brain. Which then caused a stroke within me. Not too long after, I had another stroke. All together to fix my problems, I had to have brain surgeries. In total, I've had 24. Due to having all of this occur in my life, I did miss a lot of school. It was hard, but I overcame it just like I conquered everything else. Due to the strokes and I have a few fine-motor difficulties and drop foot. This means: my foot will turn out when I walk. I am a fighter. I never give up. From me to you, just because something is hard in the current moment/ seems complicated, does not mean it is impossible to  achieve. If a challenge in your life is consistently repeated,  that usually means that God just believes that you're strong enough t


I want to emphasize that a single problem can never be too big. There's always a solution. Even though we as humans tend to have mounds of moments, we'll believe there's no hope.  I overthink a lot. I'll work too hard.  When I do so, there are times when I stress myself out. I came to the realization that I only will do this because I truly care and I'm striving for something greater than what I was given. As individuals, we're going to face challenges both big and small, but we cannot allow those hurdles challenges/times of triumph, to work us so much, that we  forget to slow down and smell the roses.   "When push comes to shove, you'll see what you're made of".   -  Rascal Flatts When you happen to be someone who loves so wholeheartedly have you ever felt as if you were running a constant race? Fighting your own battles on top of someone else's too? Yeah, me too. If anybody has ever assumed you cannot be their superhero, they're wrong

The 5 Cs

M * Motivation O * OPTIMISM V * VOICE OF OPINION    E *  Empowerment As a former student with learning-related disabilities, I've learned a few things about the world. For example, not everyone will understand you or your situation.  That's okay. Some things aren't worth explaining. As long as you "Yourself" know the truth within your heart.  It's not worth obsessing about whether or not anybody else understands your logic or reasoning.  Anything can be accomplished with MOTIVATION and strong DETERMINATION. As well as, by practicing patience. Stay Motivated, and make sure you communicate if you have questions Be Optimistic Voice your opinion. No matter the cost. Say how you feel. BE YOURSELF... Always try to Empower others to do the same.   M.O.V.E.  Mountains                       * BE CALM *HAVE COURAGE *BE CONFIDENT *HAVE COMPASSION FOR OTHERS *MAKE CONNECTIONS LET THE 5 Cs GUIDE YOUR WAY  ... *Be CALM Don't hesitate to ask questions *Be Courageous   A


 You can ,  you will, and  you already do make a difference in the lives of many. You are beautiful, hardworking , thoughtful, and empathetic , a great friend , and so much more. You can do anything that you set your heart and mind to do. Your heart's made of gold. If and when anyone says YOU CAN'T AND YOU WON'T, YOU SAY, WATCH ME, I CAN AND I WILL! I am my own person I  love my friends and I love my family.                                      We are each other's hero's. We are each other's strength , every single day of our lives. DEAR ME... You are strong Don't overthink Don't have an anxious heart , because girl you are oh so smart and you know deep inside that you will soon find your way. You matter. Do not ever allow anyone to make your heart shatter.  You are worthy of so much, You are enough and extremely tough. Don't ever think you have to sit and stare. Get up , fight ,and stand up for what you believe because you don't know when the ch

A Gift from God

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if it wasn't yours? Think about of you hadn't met specific people who have changed you for the best, who have been there for you more than all the rest. People come into our lives for a reason. We encounter experiences both good and bad to learn new lessons worth learning. Life's a gift.... A gift from God. *With that being said , what has God provided you in your life, that makes YOUR life unique from others? What talents do you have? Maybe you have something that has occurred in your life and now you need to learn to do a few things differently? Yes? No? Just lmk down below. Love , friendship, family, these things are worth fighting for. No one's life is perfect and no one life is 100% easy. Though we trudge through. Do our best. Life's a journey. We learn and grow everyday. Slowly and gradually, becoming the people, we are striving to become...