Going to school in the Life of a Warrior

 I'm back! Still here thriving ๐Ÿ’“ Do you want to want to know a secret? 

I never stop being on the    M.O.V.E ๐Ÿ˜‰                     

  What was school like for me?

   * I would get HEADACHES constantly. 

  * At times, I would be ACADEMICALLY failing   but due to my hard work, determination, and amazing teachers, I am where I am meant to be

     *4th-12th grade at PEPIN ACADEMIES

After having 23 brain surgeries and 2 strokes all before I was 6, and a 24th surgery as an addition in 2021I'd say for myself not only are me and GOD a team, but I am UNSTOPPABLE!

School was difficult because I would get frequent headaches. Due to all of my surgeries, I did not think as quickly. At times I'd feel extremely frustrated because I didn't work as fast as the others. I was blessed to have the absolute best teachers in the world and to be fortunate enough to have gone to the school that I had. My teachers understood me and never gave up on me. Due to my determination and frustration, I often stayed up late to work on my homework regardless of how I felt. Whenever it came to reading,  I would be so pissed when I'd get a C in the class.  I worked my butt off to get any grade that was not the average letter. According to both my mom and one of my former teachers, "It's the C students who rule the world". Now, one day due to all of my hard work and determination, I did end up with an A.  My Struggles have made me stronger. They've made me want to be a motivator in life. Today, the letter grades don't even matter. The lessons from the ones that will always matter, will always stick with me. I know this because these individuals talk to this warrior in her head daily. Dear teachers of the world, never ever doubt yourselves. It's because of you, that people like me, believe in myself more and more.


       What life lessons have my academic challenges taught me?           




 If you've discovered the side effects of your disability and how they affect you, if you know that you and you alone can create strategies to help yourself, don't hesitate! 

Take me for instance, I am a literal walking Dory from Finding Nemo ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ  My memory at times can really suck or it can truly surprise me at random times and places, I will remember the information I wish I had remembered 3 hours ago, but didn't. Learn what things you need to work on, that way, improvements can be made.  

Life is about learning, living in the moment, and making a     difference each and every day. Both for yourself and others.    I'll tell you from experience that it makes me feel better when I  encourage somebody else each and every day. 





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