I want to emphasize that a single problem can never be too big. There's always a solution. Even though we as humans tend to have mounds of moments, we'll believe there's no hope.  I overthink a lot. I'll work too hard.  When I do so, there are times when I stress myself out. I came to the realization that I only will do this because I truly care and I'm striving for something greater than what I was given. As individuals, we're going to face challenges both big and small, but we cannot allow those hurdles challenges/times of triumph, to work us so much, that we forget to slow down and smell the roses.  

"When push comes to shove, you'll see what you're made of".  - Rascal Flatts

When you happen to be someone who loves so wholeheartedly have you ever felt as if you were running a constant race? Fighting your own battles on top of someone else's too? Yeah, me too. If anybody has ever assumed you cannot be their superhero, they're wrong. Anybody can be a hero. They just have to reach their hand, spread their wings, and fly high.   Don't allow the doubt of others, to stop you from working your hardest to get where you want to be. She's a girl with empathy for others, determination, and passion for the world.  Who was born at 3 pounds and 6 ounces? When she popped out, a stroke and a brain bleed occurred right then and there. People envy her because of her determination and stride. She keeps working, keeps pushing,  and keeps writing her story no matter what life throws her way!  One day when she's in the Hall of Fame, the haters will feel nothing but regret. They'll turn back and hopefully realize one day their attitudes towards you, were bogus.  You keep standing tall. Keep rising. You beautiful soul.  rise again.  Seek the opportunity and take chances because if you do, you'll never fail to get stronger and stronger.

 No one is told when they are younger the ups and downs they will encounter throughout their lives. We just do our best and let GOD do the work. Life will throw hurdles. Both big and small, but no matter what, keep going.

Fear changes people. It's definitely changed me. When we're young, nothing seems to be complicated. Just surreal.  It's made me who I am today STRONG and  INDEPENDENT.   Never walk in the same direction as others just because it satisfies them and their time.  No challenge should be so challenging that it should convince you to quit. Being UNSTOPPABLE means that it's impossible to stop. Inside your heart and soul, you know quitting isn't an option. 

To be a fighter you must be bold throughout each and every day. A normal person would beg continuously and say "Do something to make the pain fade".   Oh no! Not a fighter!  A fighter's words give me pain, give me scars, give me a broken heart. Anyone could try to shower me in fear, but nope. When their strength is giving out and their mind is sending a signal to their heart to quit, they do not allow it to get under their skin. A fighter does not stop until they have reached the end. 


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