In the first 24 years of my life, I have been through a lot but I have never allowed those challenges to be an excuse to make me want to quit. Whenever I feel like the force is too strong and I am unsure what to do, I try to see beyond my struggles and believe that I can do anything I set my mind to do just like every living soul should. I've experienced anxiety from academics, trying too hard to make things perfect, and confusion from the subjects that are not only my best but my worst. As well as from a variety of situations which I will explain consistently throughout this narrative. I have also gone through rough and painful times, but I'm still standing tall and that's good enough for me. Two facts about me are that I am a go-getter and a hard worker. If I am unsuccessful the first time with an activity, I will keep trying repeatedly until I get it right! An example of a situation from my life that has caused me anxiety, confusion, and pain is when I had brain surgery. 

In total, I have had twenty-four surgeries as well as two strokes. This experience gave me learning disabilities such as dyscalculia and problems with my reading comprehension. I have been lucky enough to have gone to a school for the past ten years where I was taught that there is a place for me in this world and that if I continue to try, I can do anything I am aiming for. I have had teachers who are incredibly creative, majestic, and empathetic toward their students. They are mentors, inspirations, heroes, family, and influences that I will never forget. The learning difficulties that I encountered from my Hydrosepholis, made me stronger. I have a drop foot on my right leg. This means that the right side of my body is weak and it's more difficult to do some things at a regular walking or jumping pace. I learned how to tie my shoes in 2018. I was 18. My fine motor skills functioned badly.  I missed a lot of schooling when I was younger. I did not completely begin adjusting to being in a classroom until I attended Lewis Elementary School in the second grade. Coming back to school was difficult! The hardest part for me was realizing how far behind the other kids I was. I did not know what to expect or how or how they would be affected by me in the classroom because of how much farther behind them I fell. 

" There are people in our lives who are not friends, they are family. These individuals are with you no matter what hurdles you may face along the way.  Family is forever".  Be a reflection of the people in your life who inspire you to be who you wanna be.  The hard times, prove to us just how strong we truly are. Maybe I couldn't have realized it soon enough, but God chose me to encounter the battles that I did because he believed that I was and will always be strong enough to withstand the storm.  I wholeheartedly believe this. 

M* Motivation



 E*  Empowerment

As a former student with learning-related disabilities, I've learned a few things about the world. For example, not everyone is going to understand you, and that's okay. There are some things that aren't really worth explaining. As long as you "Yourself" know the truth within your own heart, then nothing else matters.

 You can do anything. Especially, with MOTIVATION and enough determination.  Stay  OPTIMISTIC within.  Be a VOICE who is not afraid to spark change and give your opinion.  EMPOWER those around you. Especially, the ones who have brought you to the light. 


Today is ending. Tomorrow is approaching and will soon be the next right now. A new day will be here before we know it. Once it arrives, do not fret about yesterday's events. Be grateful to our almighty God that you're blessed enough to see another glorious day. It's the moments that unify us, that should bring us the most utter joy. Nothing is more important than spending time with the ones we love.

This is what I'm going to ask of you because the day is nearly over and tomorrow is almost here, PLEASE reflect on your day 

What's your goal for tomorrow? 

What are your daily goals?

What do you strive for?

What are your strengths?

What do you maybe need to work on?

Dear Me, 

You are enough

you are beautiful

you are worthy and capable.

You can, will, and do make a difference. You are your own person.

Dear Me, 

You are strong   

Don't overthink

Don't have an anxious heart because girl you're oh so smart. 

You know inside of your soul that you matter. 

Do not allow anyone to make your heart shatter. 

You're worthy of doing anything you set your mind to do.

Yes, I may have struggled in school but that never stopped me from going after what I truly wanted. Which was to reach my goals,  change the lives of the ones around me, and make the ones I love proud. 


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