A Gift from God

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if it wasn't yours?
Think about of you hadn't met specific people who have changed you for the best, who have been there for you more than all the rest. People come into our lives for a reason. We encounter experiences both good and bad to learn new lessons worth learning.

Life's a gift....

A gift from God.

*With that being said , what has God provided you in your life, that makes YOUR life unique from others?

What talents do you have? Maybe you have something that has occurred in your life and now you need to learn to do a few things differently? Yes? No? Just lmk down below.

Love , friendship, family, these things are worth fighting for. No one's life is perfect and no one life is 100% easy. Though we trudge through. Do our best. Life's a journey. We learn and grow everyday. Slowly and gradually, becoming the people, we are striving to become...


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