

HAS YOUR PAST MADE YOU STRONG?    Yes. My past has  made me who I am today by allowing me to make wrong turns also by helping me with anxiety bursts that were not needed. At times I tend to be an OVERTHINKER. I  care too much. I  believe the main reason for this is , because I have a love of learning and   that there are horizons to be broadened everywhere.   Did it take some time and does it take time to this day   for me to learn material than other? Yes. Although, my resilience and determination got me to this point and is how I will stay here.  GšŸ’œ GAINS RšŸ’™ RESILIENCE O šŸ’› OPTIMISM W šŸ’š WORTH T  šŸ’–    TENACITY H  šŸ’—  HUMBELNESS SELF-LOVE Self-love is so very important. Feed yourself the same energy that you give to others. We should all practice this DAILY. In my life, I have faced many challenges. Although, none of them have ever made me want to quit trying. I would not be who I am or where I am today without these hurdles. He who strives for progress after failure will succeed.

The Personal Connections between having my own learning-related challenges , and now providing ABA therapy to young children

MESSAGE TO YOUNG TEENS AND ADULTS WITH LEARNING AND LEARNING-RELATED DIFFERENCES... šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ Dear children, teens, and adults like me in 2023 (Most Unique Human Beings) of 2023, you are strong. You are worthy of love and capable of going wherever you want in life. They say "Always turn the other cheek when others doubt your abilities." There's a set amount of times you can do that until you decide internally that standing up for yourself, is the best option. It is okay, and you have every right to say "No do not treat my friends this way."  Especially, when it's your gut telling you something is wrong. We are worth so much more than average. We're all equal in our ways We are Different, NOT less than the rest. All we want is to be included and accepted. As someone with learning-related disabilities, I've learned a few things about the world. For example, not everyone will understand you, and that's okay. Some things aren't worth explaining. As

Be Grateful

It's that time of year again! Turkeys and Spreading thanks to the ones we love all around! Although,  Thanksgiving should not be the only time we recognize and show our gratitude.  We should be doing this all year round.ALL YEAR LONG WE ARE THANKFUL  Reflect on your days. You'll be amazed with the progress you'll make each day of your life , wake up and strive to be the best version of who you truly are. Life is not only  about learning, living in the moment,and  making a difference in each and every day.  But also ,  being  grateful for what you have! .šŸ❤️                                                šŸ❤️ Sometimes as Americans we tend to become too pre-occuppied by our devices or our worries for tomorrow instead of focusing on what's happening right now. It's good to sit down and reflect. Reflect on what has already happened. Discuss what you're grateful for daily with the ones who mean the most to you.  Input positivity .  Embrace all of the go

Lessons that Stick like Glue

.  Has anyone ever given you a piece of advice that you will always continue to carry with you no matter what? My high school math teacher would say to me frequently,  " Life's too short too stress" .  As well as my English teacher would say  "You can't motivate someone who doesn't want to be motivated".  In case you're wondering, what have these two pieces of advice helped me with? Well when I was in high school and even to this day, due to my love of learning and the fact that I care way too much in certain aspects about others, I have a tendency to overthink and over feel. My personal strategies include: taking deep breaths, writing, feeding myself positive energy, or thinking of the people who have encouraged me and helped me get to where I am now.  "You can't motivate someone who doesn't want to be Motivated " Personally, when I was in high school I approached my former English Teacher for advice on what he thought I should hel


How important is it to find a strategy that suits you when you're under stress? I'd say it's essential. LIFE'S TOO SHORT TOO STRESS When someone is under stress  but all they do is take all of they're anger, sadness, and tension out on you, all that will do is build up tension within you. Why  do we choose strategies such as:   slamming doors, yelling at people , and pointing fingers instead of communicating feelings?  It always seems like whenever we don't feel well , we're depressed , or we're frustrated , we'll say anything! In the moment, some just don't seem to care. Later, they will regret their words and actions. We all need to do better at thinking before we speak. But also , considering others feelings.  For example, if someone is sick the way they're feeling is the only thing they're focused on so if they lash out at you, try not to take it personally. They're in a funk. Take DEEP BREADTHS  so that you do not sa


 * JUMBLED COMMUNICATION      IN A NUTSHELL COMMUNICATION We as individuals need to find strategies that help us communicate better, faster, and easier. One that works best for ourselves. For example. writing, singing, and sitting one-on-one when there's more time.  At times while I'm trying to converse with the ones I know and love, they'll lose their patience with me due to my responses taking a little bit longer to be given instead of waiting to hear and understand what I have to say.  Being interrupted in all honesty makes my communication more jumbled because I'll forget what I'm trying to say. It's always been a little difficult for me to relay messages to there's through words.  COMMUNICATION entails,  you tell the whole story without hesitation.  ANXIETY Have you or someone you know ever felt like your words can often get jumbled when spoken, and then misinterpreted by so many others?If so, you're not alone. To be honest, It's always been a l

Know your Limitations

Are you a relentless individual who doesn't stop no matter how they're feeling? Regardless if you're tired, anxious, frustrated, etc? Emphasis on tired. If you are, I want to talk about recognizing/knowing your own limitations. Not only what you can handle, but recognizing what it is you'll tolerate from others as well.  Have you ever had a lot of your mind and organizing those thoughts felt like an absolute rollercoaster ride?  School? Friends? Work? YOU Can: *Set a schedule  * Take Breaks  *DO NOT TAKE ON MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE ALL AT ONCE Are you an empathetic individual who tends to take on more weight than they should? Do you tend to feel that there are times when you'll care more about how others feel and then leave yourself on the sidelines? *Recognize your limits You can be someone's friend and be there to hold their hand,  but if you know someone who only reaches out to you when they need something and then never responds when you need them, it's