Lessons that Stick like Glue

Has anyone ever given you a piece of advice that you will always continue to carry with you no matter what?

My high school math teacher would say to me frequently, 

" Life's too short too stress"
As well as my English teacher would say 
"You can't motivate someone who doesn't want to be motivated". 

In case you're wondering, what have these two pieces of advice helped me with? Well when I was in high school and even to this day, due to my love of learning and the fact that I care way too much in certain aspects about others, I have a tendency to overthink and over feel. My personal strategies include: taking deep breaths, writing, feeding myself positive energy, or thinking of the people who have encouraged me and helped me get to where I am now. 

"You can't motivate someone who doesn't want to be Motivated"

Personally, when I was in high school I approached my former English Teacher for advice on what he thought I should help my friend who at the time, was battling some depression. I am an extremely empathetic person. I love being there for the ones I love, and making sure they're taken care of.  I saw my friend during these dark times and it broke me. That's when my teacher told me, "You can't motivate somebody who doesn't want to be motivated". I came to the realization that being motivated is something that an individual has to learn how to do by themselves over time. All I could do in his case, and in a few of my other friend's cases, is be there for them. Honestly, that's the best. I had done that. I told him I'm here for him if he needs me. I went to bed that night thankful for my teacher's advice. I was grateful for my friend as well as grateful that I did care so much about him. Go to bed every night believing/knowing how blessed you are.
Don't stress. Life's too short. Live with a grateful heart and have no regrets.

At the beginning of high school, Ticks, and anxiety, and I also continued to majorly struggle with math and reading. 

I am a stubborn hard worker. I love to learn.  Back then, even now, I'll try to take on too much. I'd worry about not finishing an activity within a certain time frame, and I'd get upset when my anxiety would get in the way of my punctuality. Here I am eager to turn an assignment in on time, but I needed more help with the material. Instead of stressing and forcing it all in one night, my mom would say to take a break and finish in the morning. 

Due to all of this happening, my math teacher would always tell me "Life's too short to stress".  Which is the absolute truth! Why waste your time stressing about something, you know you shouldn't be? 

Whenever you're sitting and reflecting on what has caused you stress in school or life in general,  never doubt those voices in your head coming from the ones who've been with you during many unique occasions.  These individuals technically remind us of what we already know, but let me tell you something I've picked up on, even empathetic people need a hand to hold when they feel like they're going to fall every now and again. The people who speak to us during times of triumph there's a reason that during the struggles we encounter, we always think of them specifically, for comfort and guidance. 



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