The Personal Connections between having my own learning-related challenges , and now providing ABA therapy to young children


Dear children, teens, and adults like me in 2023 (Most Unique Human Beings) of 2023, you are strong. You are worthy of love and capable of going wherever you want in life. They say "Always turn the other cheek when others doubt your abilities." There's a set amount of times you can do that until you decide internally that standing up for yourself, is the best option. It is okay, and you have every right to say "No do not treat my friends this way."  Especially, when it's your gut telling you something is wrong. We are worth so much more than average. We're all equal in our ways We are Different, NOT less than the rest. All we want is to be included and accepted. As someone with learning-related disabilities, I've learned a few things about the world. For example, not everyone will understand you, and that's okay. Some things aren't worth explaining. As long as you "Yourself" know the truth within your own heart, then nothing else matters. I was born a 3-pound premature baby and life has not always been easy. By the time I was 6, I had 23 brain surgeries and two strokes.  I am one of those people who solely believes that with God, all things are possible. I know for a small part my  MOTIVATION and determination got me here. The majority of it? Was God's doing?   Determination is the key to mastering anything... Always persevere and live your life without fear. Never quit. Take chances, take risks this moment will come only once in our lifetime. What are we waiting for? Fire or ice if we try our best the moment will be remembered and can be achieved more than twice. Take chances and if you don't succeed the first go around then you'll try again tomorrow and aim for the finish line. Just because you have one bad day, does that mean quit? NO! It most certainly does not. Although, it does result in a new opportunity to take a new chance.

RBT With a Story

My name is Halston and I'm an RBT (Registered Behavior Technician) with a story. Being able to relate to the people within my job is incredibly important. It becomes especially crucial when working alongside children every single day. Why? The younger generations look to us to teach them what we know regarding communication, patience, responsibilities, integrity, respect, etc. I can relate to my clients on a very personal level. For example, getting our words out. The point is, that it all begins with us—our example.  Especially, when it comes to getting my points across. Are we in different situations? Yes. Though, they are similar. You see, when I look around ABA is different from Pepin due to the structure and scheduling. Though they're both available to accommodate children with special needs, ABA is therapy before the child with autism or learning-related differences goes to school or while some are in school already, because they still need to learn communication skills. ABA is based on the science of learning behavior.   functions of the behaviors of children with autism and other developmental differences such as ADD, ODD, or ADHD. Pepin is a smaller structured charter school designed for kids who learn differently to go to school, join clubs, join a sports team, make lifelong friends, and be whoever they want to be without judgment. accommodate children with special needs. 

Going to Pepin 💙

 I missed a lot of school due to my surgeries. I went to Pepin Academies a tuition-free Charter school designed to help students like you and me with learning and learning-related differences learn and grow.  I had struggles in school that revolved around academics such as Math, Reading comprehension, and ELA. Taking tests for me, was difficult. Especially when it came to math. Having assistance from visual aids as well as while utilizing acronyms. Pepin's learning community was designed so that children with learning differences such as myself, could have a safe haven. A place to go to school where I'd have friends and teachers who not only I can relate to, but who were able to empathize with me. It's a smaller and structured charter school designed for kids who learn differently. I was grateful I was able to go to school, join clubs and  make lifelong friends, and be whoever I wanted to be without judgment. accommodate children with special needs. Pepin is a school designed to accommodate children with special needs.  It's structured and IEP-based. This school changed my life for the better

💜Both environments provide opportunities for children with unique needs to broaden their horizons, take chances, and live life in ways that they never thought would have been possible!


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