Know your Limitations

Are you a relentless individual who doesn't stop no matter how they're feeling? Regardless if you're tired, anxious, frustrated, etc? Emphasis on tired. If you are, I want to talk about recognizing/knowing your own limitations. Not only what you can handle, but recognizing what it is you'll tolerate from others as well. 

Have you ever had a lot of your mind and organizing those thoughts felt like an absolute rollercoaster ride? 

YOU Can:
*Set a schedule
 * Take Breaks 


Are you an empathetic individual who tends to take on more weight than they should? Do you tend to feel that there are times when you'll care more about how others feel and then leave yourself on the sidelines?

*Recognize your limits
You can be someone's friend and be there to hold their hand,  but if you know someone who only reaches out to you when they need something and then never responds when you need them, it's time for some reflection. Realize when enough is enough. Don't allow people to take advantage of your greatness! There are two types of people in this world. There are givers who overgive such as myself and had to learn to set boundaries. Then there are the takers who don't give back. 

How should you handle a situation when you feel overwhelmed from taking on too much activity/overstepping your personal limitations and getting taken advantage of? 

 *Set Boundaries
* Know when to say NO
#Trust your intuition

Listen to the little voice inside of you that says this is wrong
This does not make sense. This is too much for me I need to say "no not right now" Enough is enough 

Knowing your limitations,  understanding yourself, and what you're able to take on is important. 

If you are ever working too hard to the point where you're stressed, come up with some strategies to help yourself get some relief.

For example:
Take Breaks 
Find a hobby
Hang out with a friend during downtime
 Go for a walk 
   Go to the gym
There are tons of strategies for getting a grip on your stress and anxiety. Especially when it comes to taking on to much. 
You just have to find the one that works best for you!

Understand your worth. 

*Within relationships of all kinds 
*While working 
Understand that you matter and that taking on too much can eventually take it's toll on you. Know your limitations! Please start your day knowing this and end your day never forgetting this! 


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