We as individuals need to find strategies that help us communicate better, faster, and easier. One that works best for ourselves. For example. writing, singing, and sitting one-on-one when there's more time.  At times while I'm trying to converse with the ones I know and love, they'll lose their patience with me due to my responses taking a little bit longer to be given instead of waiting to hear and understand what I have to say.  Being interrupted in all honesty makes my communication more jumbled because I'll forget what I'm trying to say. It's always been a little difficult for me to relay messages to there's through words.  COMMUNICATION entails,  you tell the whole story without hesitation. 


Have you or someone you know ever felt like your words can often get jumbled when spoken, and then misinterpreted by so many others?If so, you're not alone. To be honest, It's always been a little difficult for me to relay messages to others through words.  Take me for example, I have moments within conversation all of the time where my communication and ideas I'm communicating, become jumbled and sometimes turn to mush. All due to me forgetting what I was going to say, or being interrupted. Both of these examples will get in the way, and start to cause me anxiety. I'll brain fart, and then the ones I'm conversing with will eventually become impatient due to my responses taking too long to be given. Luckily, I have found a strategy that has worked out relatively well for me for years: writing! Writing is my voice. Also, taking deep breaths. 



Have you ever needed help getting your point across?  

Stating how you're feeling as well as communicating how you're feeling, especially if it's broad, can take some time. Have I ever needed help getting my point across? Yes! There were and are plenty of situations where I've had difficulty explaining in words either how I was feeling, how to complete a task for someone else, how to get somewhere, etc.  If your COMMUNICATION has ever felt jumbled, don't let it stay there in that state. Ask for help. Write down what you have to say so you don't forget. Make a list. Ask a friend to remind you later. There are atone of strategies to help us with our jumbled communication. Do I wish I used all of them more? Absolutely! I'm not perfect. Nobody's perfect! We all have something we're working on daily. We should always be  striving to perfect our imperfections. Our imperfections are what make us beautiful! Use the strategies available to you and, what works best for us!


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