How important is it to find a strategy that suits you when you're under stress? I'd say it's essential. LIFE'S TOO SHORT TOO STRESS When someone is under stress  but all they do is take all of they're anger, sadness, and tension out on you, all that will do is build up tension within you. Why  do we choose strategies such as:   slamming doors, yelling at people , and pointing fingers instead of communicating feelings? 

It always seems like whenever we don't feel well , we're depressed , or we're frustrated , we'll say anything! In the moment, some just don't seem to care. Later, they will regret their words and actions. We all need to do better at thinking before we speak. But also , considering others feelings. 

For example, if someone is sick the way they're feeling is the only thing they're focused on so if they lash out at you, try not to take it personally. They're in a funk. Take DEEP BREADTHS so that you do not say something you'll regret later. 

Sometimes that other individual will argue with you as if you're the bad guy. When all you are trying to do is help. Take  DEEP BREADTHS and then converse later. When we get upset, myself included sometimes we say things we don't mean. A lot of times when we're frustrated , we just react. We don't listen. We need to First STOP . Then BREATHE . and Always COMMUNICATE


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