
Overcoming All Odds

 Life is all about learning, living in the moment, and making a difference within each and every day. Positivity is all it takes. I'll tell you from my own experiences that encouraging others, helps me stay positive. Sometimes I teach myself things I forget in the moment due to frustration and self-doubt. If there is one thing I know, it's that devotion and perseverance are key to mastering anything.   I've had 24 brain surgeries and two strokes. Later, developed some learning disabilities.  Yes, I have memory issues, and getting my point across can  be frustrating! The one major thing I am and will always be grateful for though,  is that I'm alive.  I beat the ODDS that we're thrown at me. My past made me stronger because I had to undergo so much , so young. The experiences I had , changed/shaped me into who I am. We need to acknowledge and reflect on our victories. Both big , and small.    Ask yourselves: *Has your past made you stronger? * How should y

Personal Growth

                                              PERSONAL GROWTH REFLECTION ! Anxiety Overthinking Perseverance Frustration due to stress overload Do you ever feel Anxious ? Do you ever Overthink because you care too much? Do you Persevere every day, but sometimes it seems like due to frustration and sudden stress overload and  due to caring too much,  you lose control? Reflect on your days, you'll be amazed by the progress you make. Each day of your life, wake up and strive to be the best version of who you were always meant to be. Whenever I've felt like an unwelcome ghost or a fool who lacked potential, I took/take deep breaths and I constantly remind myself that anything is possible. I am stronger than I think and braver than I believe. After 24 brain surgeries and two strokes later, I am a fighter who has the right to tell anyone who doubts me, that one day when they are failing, I will be rising. Remember that when the hardest of times hit us, those are the moments to


In life sometimes we all face challenges that are overwhelming . Although, you've just got to live each moment with pride, take each chance and live without regrets. Make your life extraordinary and take every opportunity that reaches out to you because one day you will never know if that chance will ever come again. Make a difference and make the best of every little thing. Seize the day. Anything is possible. We are the next generation of heroes who are going to change the world. WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY? * HELPING OTHER PEOPLE *INSPIRING OTHERS *MUSIC *LOVE *MY FAMILY *What makes you feel happy? REFLECTION Ask yourself what does it means to be  DIFFERENT ? How  IMPORTANT  is it to NOT care what others think? Why is being an  INDIVIDUAL  a good thing? When you persevere and when others notice the power  in your smile, other individuals will want to be like you, too. They will become motivated by your actions and your decisions. Life can be hard and no one is great at everything , but

Different NOT Less

      💗💗💗💗💗      In the first 24 years of my life, I have been through a lot but I have never allowed those challenges to be an excuse to make me want to quit. Whenever I feel like the force is too strong and I am unsure what to do, I try to see beyond my struggles and believe that I can do anything I set my mind to do just like every living soul should. I've experienced anxiety from academics, trying too hard to make things perfect, and confusion from the subjects that are not my best but my worst. As well as from a variety of situations which I will explain consistently throughout this narrative. I have also gone through rough and painful times, but I'm still standing tall and that's good enough for me. Two facts about me are that I am a go-getter and a hard worker. If I am unsuccessful the first time with an activity, I will keep trying repeatedly until I get it right! An example of a situation from my life that has caused me anxiety, confusion, and pain is when I h

Education in the Life of "this" Warrior part 2

FEELING  MISUNDERSTOOD Have you ever experienced those moments in your life where you're trying your hardest to explain a topic that matters a lot to you to a person who means a lot to you, though at times you feel they just do not have the patience to listen? Yes? Welcome to my world. Have you made a statement and before verifying what you meant, someone will assume it's what you meant and say you're wrong? Yeah, me too. In the life of a warrior, if you're anything like me, sometimes you have trouble getting your words out. You also have trouble understanding someone else's question/statement. When this happens to me, I ask for clarification. Doesn't that mean that the rest of the world should do that with us warriors instead of assuming what we mean? I'm sorry, but I was always taught that ASSUME just makes an ASS out of U and ME.   LET'S TALK ABOUT WHAT MAKES PEPIN REALLY SPECIAL When I look around, I notice various differences. Wow, what an awe


 In the first 24 years of my life, I have been through a lot but I have never allowed those challenges to be an excuse to make me want to quit. Whenever I feel like the force is too strong and I am unsure what to do, I try to see beyond my struggles and believe that I can do anything I set my mind to do just like every living soul should. I've experienced anxiety from academics, trying too hard to make things perfect, and confusion from the subjects that are not only my best but my worst. As well as from a variety of situations which I will explain consistently throughout this narrative. I have also gone through rough and painful times, but I'm still standing tall and that's good enough for me. Two facts about me are that I am a go-getter and a hard worker. If I am unsuccessful the first time with an activity, I will keep trying repeatedly until I get it right! An example of a situation from my life that has caused me anxiety, confusion, and pain is when I had brain surgery

Going to school in the Life of a Warrior

 I'm back! Still here thriving 💓 Do you want to want to know a secret?  I never stop being on the    M.O.V.E 😉                           What was school like for me?    * I would get HEADACHES constantly.    * At times, I would be ACADEMICALLY failing   but due to my hard work, determination, and amazing teachers, I am where I am meant to be       *4th-12th grade at PEPIN ACADEMIES After having 23 brain surgeries and 2 strokes all before I was 6, and a 24th surgery as an addition in 2021I'd say for myself not only are me and GOD a team, but I am UNSTOPPABLE! School was difficult because I would get frequent headaches. Due to all of my surgeries, I did not think as quickly. At times I'd feel extremely frustrated because I didn't work as fast as the others. I was blessed to have the absolute best teachers in the world and to be fortunate enough to have gone to the school that I had. My teachers understood me and never gave up on me. Due to my determination and frustrat