Personal Growth


  • Anxiety
  • Overthinking
  • Perseverance
  • Frustration due to stress overload

Do you ever feel Anxious?
Do you ever Overthink because you care too much?
Do you Persevere every day, but sometimes it seems like due to frustration and sudden stress overload and due to caring too much,  you lose control?

Reflect on your days, you'll be amazed by the progress you make. Each day of your life, wake up and strive to be the best version of who you were always meant to be. Whenever I've felt like an unwelcome ghost or a fool who lacked potential, I took/take deep breaths and I constantly remind myself that anything is possible. I am stronger than I think and braver than I believe. After 24 brain surgeries and two strokes later, I am a fighter who has the right to tell anyone who doubts me, that one day when they are failing, I will be rising. Remember that when the hardest of times hit us, those are the moments to prove to yourself how strong you truly are.

Yes, I have been through tough times, but so have an abundance of others in this world. Yes, times might be slower and I may not be going at the pace that I would love to be moving. I'm not perfect. Neither are they. Honestly, only Jesus is the king of these ways. Life is all about love, adventure, friendship, inspiration, faith, and being the reason for someone else's smile every day. I have to tell myself EVERY DAY no matter how many bumpy roads we cross, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel that will lead us back to where we belong. 
I am a hardworking and determined individual with a heart of gold. However, that does not mean I don't have challenges just like everybody else. Personally, there are a lot of moments that will occur when I feel anxious. To make this feeling subside, I pray, write about how I feel, and talk to the ones I love.

I Overthink because I care too much about others and situations such as making sure I pass a test, get things done, and make sure everyone else is okay. Lesson #1 for you and for me, remind ourselves to breathe.

Since day one, my Perseverance level has been a level 3000. Nothing stops me from going after a dream or achieving my goals. Regardless, of  Stress or Stress overload. 
Lesson #2  and my High School Math Teacher would not disagree 😉 " Life's too short to stress". 

Do your best every day of your life. Work hard, play hard. Persevere. Have a fighting spirit. Grow. Know your limits and know when to say no and enough is enough. Everyone needs a break.
"Slow and steady wins the race" - The Tortoise and the Hare

*Set aside time each day to reflect on your thoughts and emotions

A challenge can feel challenging, and facing the heat can feel scary at first, but in the end, they will both be feelings of inspiration and worth the fight. Throughout my life so far, I have encountered many challenges. Although, they've all played a part in who and where I  am today. I would not be where I am without the STRUGGLES. 

Now I ask you, 

* What personal challenges have you overcome?
* What are your strengths?
* What motivates you to turn your challenges into strengths?


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