Overcoming All Odds

 Life is all about learning, living in the moment, and making a difference within each and every day. Positivity is all it takes. I'll tell you from my own experiences that encouraging others, helps me stay positive. Sometimes I teach myself things I forget in the moment due to frustration and self-doubt. If there is one thing I know, it's that devotion and perseverance are key to mastering anything. 

 I've had 24 brain surgeries and two strokes. Later, developed some learning disabilities.  Yes, I have memory issues, and getting my point across can  be frustrating! The one major thing I am and will always be grateful for though,  is that I'm alive. 

I beat the ODDS that we're thrown at me. My past made me stronger because I had to undergo so much , so young. The experiences I had , changed/shaped me into who I am.
We need to acknowledge and reflect on our victories. Both big , and small. 


Ask yourselves:

*Has your past made you stronger?
* How should you act in the face of adversity?
*What new experiences have you had, and have they changed/ shaped you?
*What new things do you plan on trying in the future?

Reflect everday. 
Has my past made me stronger? 
Having brain surgery, and trouble in school did not stop me from going and getting the prize I wanted. 

To answer the ❓ how should you act in the face of adversity? Well, resilient!
I've had a lot of new experiences and they've all shaped me. Learn new things and live in the moment! I beat the ODDS in my life, you can beat them in yours.  If you are currently feeling like everything is just too much to handle, you're not quite sure what to do, Never ever quit! Be yourself and Have faith. God is in control!


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