
The 5 Cs

M * Motivation O * OPTIMISM V * VOICE OF OPINION    E *  Empowerment As a former student with learning-related disabilities, I've learned a few things about the world. For example, not everyone will understand you or your situation.  That's okay. Some things aren't worth explaining. As long as you "Yourself" know the truth within your heart.  It's not worth obsessing about whether or not anybody else understands your logic or reasoning.  Anything can be accomplished with MOTIVATION and strong DETERMINATION. As well as, by practicing patience. Stay Motivated, and make sure you communicate if you have questions Be Optimistic Voice your opinion. No matter the cost. Say how you feel. BE YOURSELF... Always try to Empower others to do the same.   M.O.V.E.  Mountains                       * BE CALM *HAVE COURAGE *BE CONFIDENT *HAVE COMPASSION FOR OTHERS *MAKE CONNECTIONS LET THE 5 Cs GUIDE YOUR WAY  ... *Be CALM Don't hesitate to ask questions *Be Courageous   A


 You can ,  you will, and  you already do make a difference in the lives of many. You are beautiful, hardworking , thoughtful, and empathetic , a great friend , and so much more. You can do anything that you set your heart and mind to do. Your heart's made of gold. If and when anyone says YOU CAN'T AND YOU WON'T, YOU SAY, WATCH ME, I CAN AND I WILL! I am my own person I  love my friends and I love my family.                                      We are each other's hero's. We are each other's strength , every single day of our lives. DEAR ME... You are strong Don't overthink Don't have an anxious heart , because girl you are oh so smart and you know deep inside that you will soon find your way. You matter. Do not ever allow anyone to make your heart shatter.  You are worthy of so much, You are enough and extremely tough. Don't ever think you have to sit and stare. Get up , fight ,and stand up for what you believe because you don't know when the ch

A Gift from God

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if it wasn't yours? Think about of you hadn't met specific people who have changed you for the best, who have been there for you more than all the rest. People come into our lives for a reason. We encounter experiences both good and bad to learn new lessons worth learning. Life's a gift.... A gift from God. *With that being said , what has God provided you in your life, that makes YOUR life unique from others? What talents do you have? Maybe you have something that has occurred in your life and now you need to learn to do a few things differently? Yes? No? Just lmk down below. Love , friendship, family, these things are worth fighting for. No one's life is perfect and no one life is 100% easy. Though we trudge through. Do our best. Life's a journey. We learn and grow everyday. Slowly and gradually, becoming the people, we are striving to become...  


 Think positively Do not overthink. Especially, the simple things...  Utilize your resources Strive for progress. Be UNSTOPPABLE Be determined to make EVERYDAY great! Work hard always. Life is tough, but we are fighters. Life's full of bumpy  roads and smooth drives. It's a journey. Work Hard , Always. Go out , make friends, sing songs, smile, and no matter what, never forget to ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST. 


Since the beginning of the year  2022 , I have to admit that I've been feeling kinda blue.  When you love someone so much and they instantly get lifted away... You change. A piece of you goes away along with them. Have you ever faced a challenge so great you thought you'd never grow? Well, think again. We ALL learn, we ALL evolve. We get stronger. No matter what happens, no matter the situation,  EVERYTHING takes time. 

Life is tough, but so are you

Sitting alone in my sanctuary while thinking about what to write next,  I'm so beyond frustrated. I look up at my wall of inspiration above my desk. Life is confusing and sad lately. Lucky for me though, I have great, role models who've helped keep me grounded. Be a guiding light to everyone who surrounds you. You never know what someone may be going through.  Be a guiding light and never hesitate to motivate. You'll never know when you may need to lend a helping hand. Open your eyes, open your heart, reach out your hand, be a friend.  Some people are put into this world especially for you , and you know it. They'll stand by you.  Life is full of situations where we'll struggle. Yes, challenges are challenging.  But  we  can't grow , unless we go with the flow.                                                                                                                     Your life is a story of your own.   It's about figuring out who you                 

It's a New Day

Today is ending Tomorrow is approaching The next right now will soon be arriving. It'll be a new day  Once it's here, do not fret about yesterday. Be grateful to our almighty God you are blessed to see another glorious new day. What's your soon-to-be daily goal? Are you going places? Meeting up with familiar faces? Are you going to change the 🌎? What's your plan? It's a new day, so I promise you, ANYTHING could happen.