Life is tough, but so are you

Sitting alone in my sanctuary while thinking about what to write next,  I'm so beyond frustrated. I look up at my wall of inspiration above my desk. Life is confusing and sad lately. Lucky for me though, I have great, role models who've helped keep me grounded.

Be a guiding light to everyone who surrounds you. You never know what someone may be going through.  Be a guiding light and never hesitate to motivate. You'll never know when you may need to lend a helping hand. Open your eyes, open your heart, reach out your hand, be a friend. 

Some people are put into this world especially for you , and you know it. They'll stand by you. 

Life is full of situations where we'll struggle. Yes, challenges are challenging.  But  we  can't grow , unless we go with the flow. 


Your life is a story of your own.
  It's about figuring out who you                                                                         
  want to become.   

Worry less.
Love more. 

Reflect on today
Plan for tomorrow. 

God has great things in store for your life.

💚💚💚💚💚💚  Work hard , do what you enjoy,  MOST of ALL, LOVE  WHAT YOU DO



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