

 Think positively Do not overthink. Especially, the simple things...  Utilize your resources Strive for progress. Be UNSTOPPABLE Be determined to make EVERYDAY great! Work hard always. Life is tough, but we are fighters. Life's full of bumpy  roads and smooth drives. It's a journey. Work Hard , Always. Go out , make friends, sing songs, smile, and no matter what, never forget to ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST. 


Since the beginning of the year  2022 , I have to admit that I've been feeling kinda blue.  When you love someone so much and they instantly get lifted away... You change. A piece of you goes away along with them. Have you ever faced a challenge so great you thought you'd never grow? Well, think again. We ALL learn, we ALL evolve. We get stronger. No matter what happens, no matter the situation,  EVERYTHING takes time. 

Life is tough, but so are you

Sitting alone in my sanctuary while thinking about what to write next,  I'm so beyond frustrated. I look up at my wall of inspiration above my desk. Life is confusing and sad lately. Lucky for me though, I have great, role models who've helped keep me grounded. Be a guiding light to everyone who surrounds you. You never know what someone may be going through.  Be a guiding light and never hesitate to motivate. You'll never know when you may need to lend a helping hand. Open your eyes, open your heart, reach out your hand, be a friend.  Some people are put into this world especially for you , and you know it. They'll stand by you.  Life is full of situations where we'll struggle. Yes, challenges are challenging.  But  we  can't grow , unless we go with the flow.                                                                                                                     Your life is a story of your own.   It's about figuring out who you                 

It's a New Day

Today is ending Tomorrow is approaching The next right now will soon be arriving. It'll be a new day  Once it's here, do not fret about yesterday. Be grateful to our almighty God you are blessed to see another glorious new day. What's your soon-to-be daily goal? Are you going places? Meeting up with familiar faces? Are you going to change the 🌎? What's your plan? It's a new day, so I promise you, ANYTHING could happen.

In the Arms of an Angel

 You never know how much time you really have. TIME, is valuable. Spend yours with the people who mean so much to your life and heart.  Although, I would do anything , anything at all just to hear a few voices once again. Time is fragile, love is majestic, everything that's important in life ,make sure that you spend every moment with the ones who you love the most in the world. 4/16/22 Nana, you are my hero You are my happiness You are my inspiration You are God's gift...  Time is something we sometimes take for granted. We ALL really need to stop doing that. Love is pure, LOVE is everything good in this world.  Love, is cherishing the people in your life and heart. Hold them close to your soul always and forever. 


Love is beautiful Love is kind ❤❤❤❤ Love is extraordinary Love is content  Most of all, love is and should always be UNCONDITIONAL When you love someone you honor all of them. Including, their flaws. Every part of them is beautiful Love is boundless  Love is loyal Love is joy Love is giving Love is appreciating everything you have. Be a friend Be a role model Be someone who others will remember in all the best ways for all the best reasons for the rest of their lives. Love is and should ALWAYS be , UNCONDITIONAL 💛💛💛💛

The Clock is Ticking

 It's the moments when the ones we love the most unify, that bring us the most utter Joy.  Nothing is more meaningful and spending time with the ones you love.Do you ever sit and reminisce about your life?  Reflect on the good times and the bad? Yeah, well you and I are a lot alike. What does time teach us?   I feel that time teaches us to be.            appreciative. It teaches us to pay attention to what matters most in life.    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ What has time taught you? Time is value able. Don't waste it worrying, overanalyzing, and being anxious about nothing.  Ask yourself, " what are my strategies"? What's helped me when I've felt this way before? Time, is too short too stress. Time, with the right people, is essential. Everyday when you wake up you automatically decide how you will spend yours.  Make choices that your future self will thank you for tomorrow...