The Clock is Ticking

 It's the moments when the ones we love the most unify, that bring us the most utter Joy. 

Nothing is more meaningful and spending time with the ones you love.Do you ever sit and reminisce about your life? 

Reflect on the good times and the bad? Yeah, well you and I are a lot alike.

What does time teach us?

  I feel that time teaches us to be.            appreciative. It teaches us to pay attention to what matters most in life.



What has time taught you?

Time is value able. Don't waste it worrying, overanalyzing, and being anxious about nothing. 

Ask yourself, " what are my strategies"? What's helped me when I've felt this way before?

Time, is too short too stress.

Time, with the right people, is essential.

Everyday when you wake up you automatically decide how you will spend yours. 

Make choices that your future self will thank you for tomorrow...


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