If You Ever

 Do you ever feel like a ghost that is unwelcome or a fool who lacks potential, just remember that anything is possible. Anything at all. You are stronger than you think, braver than you believe, and a fighter who has the right to tell anyone who doubts you oh, that one day when they are failing you will be rising. Everything that they did to you today, they will regret tomorrow because they will have nothing and you will have it all. Don't allow yourself to think that all people hate you because not everybody knows you. Why would they judge you if they don't even know your name? Well, because what you have, is what they want. Half of the time they too have the same exact thing in common with you. When people feel insecure, they feel that they have a right to take their anger out on you. If you ever feel like quitting erase or any battle that you might be facing, here's my advice, DON'T Remember that when the hardest of times I hit you, those are the moments when you can prove to yourself just how strong you truly are. 
Do you ever sit and reminisce about your life? Reflect on the good times and the bad? Yeah? Well, you and I are a lot alike. Ask yourself , who do you aspire to be? Rifle through hurdles your way. Both big and small. But hey, you don't have to stay on the same page forever, sometimes to relieve pain no matter how high, the best solution keep moving and never turn back and START OVER. With each moment with a smile and with love in your heart. Always take every chance you get. Walk with pride, and we live with no regrets. Take every opportunity that comes your way because you never know if the chance you are being given will ever come again. Treat every day of your life as if it were your last. Make every moment count. It's the moments we spend with those who matter the most, that make every day  the special occasion.


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