There's ALWAYS room to grow

 Tomorrow is a brand new day. It's a new opportunity to try something new and to do something amazing! Get up, go out, and make your mark on the world. Your future lies within the next steps you take and your memories soar within a world of their own. A story that YOU write. Do you ever wonder what life would be like if everything was always easy? Yep , boring. A Challenge may be challenging , but when you face the heat , it's worth the fight in the end. I speak this wholeheartedly.  I myself have endured : pain , confusion , and anxiety due to having 24 brain revisions and two strokes.  Regardless , of it all though , I continue to thrive. Life's a journey. It's God's greatest gift of all. 

No matter what you're going through , no matter what you've been through , your struggles do not define you. It's what you do afterwards that says who you are. Life is beautiful. It's a journey. You never know what someone may be going through . Check on your friends and family. Ask them how they're doing . Be a friend. Be a role model. Be their hero. Be encouraging and strive to help them make progress in their journey's too. You have no idea where they'll be tomorrow , so be kind always.  Tomorrow is a brand new day. Do something amazing!



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