Don't just sit there , M.O.V.E!



Be Motivated , Be Optimistic , Use your Voice , Be Empowered to Empower others...

Motivation , Optimism, Voice , Empowerment

When push comes to  shove , it's times like those that you can prove to yourself just how strong you truly are. Do you have a lot of homework to do? , Are you stressing about a work conference the next day? , Do you feel as if you're not prepared? Well , even though it may be hard sometimes , stay motivated . Be optimistic. Good things end up happening in the end. 

Ask yourselves , how will we ever know what we're made of if we continue to be afraid of our own fear?

For example , the noises at night , the long distance roads in the daylight , Humans are confusing. We spend a lot of time worrying about what and when something will happen ,  instead of  facing reality and just going out and it happen. It is the only way we'll get anywhere.  Just because something seems hard , does not mean it's impossible. 

Yes , sometimes our plans don't always go as we drew them in our mind , but that is okay! It's because of God that you're getting what is best for you , provided to you. 



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