
Showing posts from January, 2022

Have the time of your life

 A lot of people when their alarms ring in the morning, their first initial thought is " uggg why do I have to rise" That's only tiredness speaking. Although, if we awoke and said "Today is going to be amazing" don't you think it honestly would be in some way?  Positivity is the key. The key to your whole day. Your attitude is everything. Wake up and make everyday count. Have the time of your life. You will never see the same exact picture again.How it turns out depends on you.  Make sure whatever it is you choose to do in your lives day in and day out ,   that you are happy.  How it turns out depends on the choices you make... Be there for the ones you love , help people and love/respect them even if they won't do the same for you.  Live your life to the fullest. Have the the best time.No matter what's going on in your life, I encourage you to have fun. Meet new  people,   seek new  and enlightening opportunities . Get up, Go out, Smile, and most im

Don't just sit there , M.O.V.E!

  M.O.V.E Be Motivated , Be Optimistic , Use your Voice , Be Empowered to Empower others... Motivation , Optimism, Voice , Empowerment When push comes to  shove , it's times like those that you can prove to yourself just how strong you truly are. Do you have a lot of homework to do? , Are you stressing about a work conference the next day? , Do you feel as if you're not prepared? Well , even though it may be hard sometimes , stay motivated . Be optimistic. Good things end up happening in the end.  Ask yourselves , how will we ever know what we're made of if we continue to be afraid of our own fear? For example , the noises at night , the long distance roads in the daylight , Humans are confusing. We spend a lot of time worrying about what and when something will happen ,  instead of  facing reality and just going out and it happen. It is the only way we'll get anywhere.  Just because something seems hard , does not mean it's impossible.  Yes , sometimes our plans do

If You Ever

 If you ever feel like a ghost that is unwelcome or a fool who lacks potential, just remember that anything is possible. Anything at all. You are stronger than you think, braver than you believe , and a fighter who has the right to tell anyone who doubts you that one day when they are failing,  you will be rising and then everything they did to you today they will regret tomorrow because they'll have nothing and you will have it all. Don't allow yourself to think that all the people in the world are against you because not everyone in the world knows you. Why would they judge you if they don't even know your name? Idk but it happens too often. Half of the time they too have that same thing in common with you. They are just too afraid of love, friendship, or connection, that they feel it's perfectly okay to take their insecurities all out on you. If you ever feel like quitting a race or any battle you might be facing, don't. Remember that when the  hardest of  times

You are worth it!

 If you have a goal, don't let anyone talk you down. Be you and don't be afraid to go after what you believe. One day when everyone is screaming your name and it is you who is wearing the crown everyone who's tried to drown in fear or doubt , will feel regret. Hopefully, they will realize that you are worth so much more than what they assumed you weren't actually all about. They laughed at you but that's just because they wish they had your talent and your heart. Now it is all about you so go get em superstar. Show those maniacs, fools, liars, aka people who we call multipliers in this world  that you are GOING TO BE THE  CHANGE in , if you have a dream,   Go after it!  Anyone can do anything if they put their mind and heart into  what they believe.  Just because one person talks down to you   does not determine your ability or how the duration of the rest of your life will be. be happy, be bright,  be you, smile,  and don't worry. There are always going to be n

There's ALWAYS room to grow

 Tomorrow is a brand new day. It's a new opportunity to try something new and to do something amazing! Get up, go out, and make your mark on the world. Your future lies within the next steps you take and your memories soar within a world of their own. A story that YOU write. Do you ever wonder what life would be like if everything was always easy? Yep , boring. A Challenge may be challenging , but when you face the heat , it's worth the fight in the end. I speak this wholeheartedly.  I myself have endured : pain , confusion , and anxiety due to having 24 brain revisions and two strokes.  Regardless , of it all though , I continue to thrive. Life's a journey. It's God's greatest gift of all.  No matter what you're going through , no matter what you've been through , your struggles do not define you. It's what you do afterwards that says who you are. Life is beautiful. It's a journey. You never know what someone may be going through . Check on your fri


Before tomorrow comes and the clock strikes 12 , there are just a few things I want to instill into your mind and soul , You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are capable. You are enough!  Never forget that you are loved... # WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO BE MORE CONFIDENT WITHIN MYSELF? * PRACTICE *FEED MYSELF POSITIVITY * BREATHE ONCE I FEEL LIKE I'M GETTING FRUSTRATED *ASK MYSELF, " AM I SUPPORTED"?  Confidence is key... Always remember you are worthy 💯 Thank you to the ones who've helped me see this within myself too...

When your good ideas get blown away by Google

it's 12:20 AM.  I'm sitting at my computer as I had just finished writing another post. I had hit the publish button for the second time when I come to the realization that my publication didn't go through? Well , damn. I sit , I ponder, I squeal. TRYING so  very hard to be patient with my written thoughts as well as with myself. As a writer I would say I've learned a few things. One , always quadruple check if your written work is uploaded/ saved to where you would like it to be before trying to post and  two always write down what you have also typed!  😱🙈  

Welcome to Motivation Station

  My name is Halston, and this is my blog. Motivation Station. The station where you can seek out motivation, advice inspiration, and good vibes any day , any time.  In life , we all face challenges at times. We  may get  overwhelmed and don't  have any current solutions. Even though life can be a roller coaster, it's also a journey! No matter the circumstances , be motivated, be optimistic, do not ever be afraid to voice your opinion, , AlWAYS empower others.  "Do not walk in the same direction of others because it satisfies them and their time. Only walk a path because it's convenient for your time , your life , and most importantly, your heart alone". M.O.V.E in the direction of YOUR dreams... First I want to emphasize that no problem is too big . There's always a solution. As individuals were going to go through challenges and it might seem like we're stuck in one chapter forever, but the truth is , that just means that God has a plan. Life is like a t