
Showing posts from November, 2023

Be Grateful

It's that time of year again! Turkeys and Spreading thanks to the ones we love all around! Although,  Thanksgiving should not be the only time we recognize and show our gratitude.  We should be doing this all year round.ALL YEAR LONG WE ARE THANKFUL  Reflect on your days. You'll be amazed with the progress you'll make each day of your life , wake up and strive to be the best version of who you truly are. Life is not only  about learning, living in the moment,and  making a difference in each and every day.  But also ,  being  grateful for what you have! .🍁❤️                                                🍁❤️ Sometimes as Americans we tend to become too pre-occuppied by our devices or our worries for tomorrow instead of focusing on what's happening right now. It's good to sit down and reflect. Reflect on what has already happened. Discuss what you're grateful for daily with the ones who mean the most to you.  Input positivity .  Embrace all of the go

Lessons that Stick like Glue

.  Has anyone ever given you a piece of advice that you will always continue to carry with you no matter what? My high school math teacher would say to me frequently,  " Life's too short too stress" .  As well as my English teacher would say  "You can't motivate someone who doesn't want to be motivated".  In case you're wondering, what have these two pieces of advice helped me with? Well when I was in high school and even to this day, due to my love of learning and the fact that I care way too much in certain aspects about others, I have a tendency to overthink and over feel. My personal strategies include: taking deep breaths, writing, feeding myself positive energy, or thinking of the people who have encouraged me and helped me get to where I am now.  "You can't motivate someone who doesn't want to be Motivated " Personally, when I was in high school I approached my former English Teacher for advice on what he thought I should hel