
Showing posts from February, 2023

The 5 Cs

M * Motivation O * OPTIMISM V * VOICE OF OPINION    E *  Empowerment As a former student with learning-related disabilities, I've learned a few things about the world. For example, not everyone will understand you or your situation.  That's okay. Some things aren't worth explaining. As long as you "Yourself" know the truth within your heart.  It's not worth obsessing about whether or not anybody else understands your logic or reasoning.  Anything can be accomplished with MOTIVATION and strong DETERMINATION. As well as, by practicing patience. Stay Motivated, and make sure you communicate if you have questions Be Optimistic Voice your opinion. No matter the cost. Say how you feel. BE YOURSELF... Always try to Empower others to do the same.   M.O.V.E.  Mountains                       * BE CALM *HAVE COURAGE *BE CONFIDENT *HAVE COMPASSION FOR OTHERS *MAKE CONNECTIONS LET THE 5 Cs GUIDE YOUR WAY  ... *Be CALM Don't hesitate to ask questions *Be Courageous   A