
Showing posts from July, 2023

Education in the Life of "this" Warrior part 2

FEELING  MISUNDERSTOOD Have you ever experienced those moments in your life where you're trying your hardest to explain a topic that matters a lot to you to a person who means a lot to you, though at times you feel they just do not have the patience to listen? Yes? Welcome to my world. Have you made a statement and before verifying what you meant, someone will assume it's what you meant and say you're wrong? Yeah, me too. In the life of a warrior, if you're anything like me, sometimes you have trouble getting your words out. You also have trouble understanding someone else's question/statement. When this happens to me, I ask for clarification. Doesn't that mean that the rest of the world should do that with us warriors instead of assuming what we mean? I'm sorry, but I was always taught that ASSUME just makes an ASS out of U and ME.   LET'S TALK ABOUT WHAT MAKES PEPIN REALLY SPECIAL When I look around, I notice various differences. Wow, what an awe